Saturday, July 18, 2015

Our Critique Group: 20th Anniversary Show

Twenty years ago three of us started a Critique Group of about a dozen artists. A few members have left us and we have invited others to join our bimonthly meetings. When we began the group everyone worked in colored pencil and even though some have gone on to work in other mediums we continue to value input from all and enjoy the camaraderie of long-time friends. Many thanks to American Art Company, Tacoma, WA for hosting our show.

They were accomplished artists when they first got together, and when they joined ranks, something magical happened. They met in each others’ homes to give and accept advice and encouragement. They honed their skills, appeared in shows, wrote and illustrated books, taught art, won awards. They shared contacts and opportunities. They commiserated, they supported each other. They became life-long, close friends. And now their Artists Critique Group proudly presents Pencils and Palletes 20th Anniversary Show.

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