Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Today is painting for-sure day. And, except for a trip to the airport and a dog walk, I've been in the studio at both of my easels since 8:30 this morning - about 6 hours. Now I'm tired. This morning I finished a little pastel study for a larger work in oil.

Color Study for Destiny  | pastel  |  7 x 5 inches

destiny |ˈdestinē|     noun, the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future: she was unable to control her own destiny.

In the afternoon, using the study as a guide, I started an 18 x 18 inch oil. More about that one later, probably on my Art Journal Blog.

At the end of the month, my life as I know it will be over as we move into Jay's retirement. Last time, his retirement lasted 6 weeks then he was back in the industry due to customer appreciation. We went into business together and my life changed from art full-time to accounts payable and accounts receivable. After several years, he sold our inventory and went to work for another company, same industry. Jay has been in fiberglass, resin and carbon fiber sales for 50 years!  This retirement, he'll be focused on making our planned home a reality. Then what? Exciting times!

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