Thursday, November 5, 2020

I'm still here...are you there?

I am shocked to see that it has been seven months since my last post! Wow! What happened? Well, COVID-19 for one thing. And that one thing affected everything else which resulted in more time for myself; more time in the Studio. 

In late 2019 I set aside the year 2020 to become a better painter by starting a year-long mentor program working in oil with Australian painter, Colley Whisson. As I finished each painting, it was submitted to Colley for his input. Then I would either change it or not. Of the 55 paintings, I completed 24 paintings that are mine alone and therefore eligible for competition and another 31 that were reworked or painted again using Colley's very good advice. These paintings can be shown or sold but not entered into a competition. It was a very worthwhile commitment and I highly recommend Colley as a mentor. 

Now it is time for a change of direction. And as with every refocus, I like to clean and rearrange my Studio. 

Barbara's Studio 2015
Look at this image from 5 years ago. Wow, so bare.

Barbara's Studio Nov.1, 2020
After a year of nearly daily painting, the Studio is out of control.

Barbara's Studio Nov. 5, 2020
It took 3 days but I managed to rearrange my studio working space back to the 2015 version. My watch-dog Annie is no longer with me so I have arranged my desk in place where I can keep see what she would have alerted me to. I have painting canvases, panels and empty frames stored in every nook and cranny but it does once again feel organized which is essential to my well being.

And, while cleaning, look what I found! I thought my Schmincke pastel "suitcase" contained only 1/2 sticks but wowzer! It is 4 trays full of all brands and colors. I haven't seen these for 5 years. Now I have to reorganize my current pastel trays to accommodate new colors. Exciting.

Pastel Work Station

Oil painting Work Station

That's all for now. I hope you are well and able to enjoy more time in your studio. Did I mention that I still have my couch in here? Good for naps!


  1. Love seeing it in both situations. I think we can all relate. There is a certain level of chaos that feeds creativity and it then rises to a level that It feeds anxiety. I also feel that the two independent work stations and a place to sit, reflect, learn and Dream is so ideal! What is the square footage of your studio.

    1. Cleaning and rearranging my studio is part of my creative process. Like a new canvas on the easel. This Studio is about 400 sq feet with a little storage room (where the furnace and tankless water-heater are). After years of practice I have become a master at utilizing space.
